Party Planning

Thursday, March 25, 2010

In my quest to find some good snacks for Emily's birthday party I have come across some great ideas! I cam across a website for cake pops. I think I am gonna try them out. These would look so cute!

Cake Pops

Ice Cream Party

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

We are throwing an ice cream party for Emily's 6th birthday. I have found great sites showing examples. I love tha these moms are so crafty. It has inspired me to try and become a crafty mom. The little ones and I are off to get more party stuff. Maybe we will stop off at a craft store on the way.

You can find these here and here.

Behind Life Unexpected

Monday, March 22, 2010

So I changed my blog domain name today. I really liked the name Behind Life Unexpected. It suits my life wonderfully. Everything in my life seems to happen unexpectedly, when I am not looking or even wanting it to happen. Somethings make me want to just hide in a hole somewhere, but everything that has happened in my life unexpectedly has made me a better person and I am greatful for that. It's been a bumpy ride but has turned out great so far, so life keep being unexpected.